NDIA encouraged government is back to business, calls for protections of employee security clearances

Capitol Building

ARLINGTON, VA -- The National Defense Industrial Association issues this statement regarding the temporary reopening of the federal government:

NDIA is pleased Congress and the administration reached an agreement that funds, and therefore reopens, the federal government through Feb. 15. We welcome this reprieve for federal employees and the contractors that support them, sparing them further stress and financial hardship and protecting their security clearances.

We urge Congress and the administration to take this opportunity to pass full-year funding immediately, restoring balance to the federal government and faith that our country is protected and our leaders have the best interest of America at heart.

It is critical that financial hits that secured employees may have endured are not held against them in the security clearance process. NDIA has joined a six-association statement supporting Sen. Mark Warner’s appeal to federal officials, calling for guidelines that protect employees’ security clearance.

Now more than ever, in this complex national security climate, our elected officials must work together to provide ongoing and predictable stability to our government and the dedicated workforce that supports it.  

About NDIA

The National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) is America's leading defense industry association promoting national security. NDIA provides a legal and ethical forum for the exchange of information between industry and government on national security issues. NDIA and its members foster the development of the most innovative and superior equipment, training, and support for warfighters and first responders through its divisions, local chapters, affiliated associations, and events. For more information, visit NDIA.org