NDIA puts support behind omnibus bill, calls for fast passage
The National Defense Industrial Association supports the commitment to our nation’s defense and its warfighters signaled in the recently released omnibus bill.
We urge rapid passage of this vital legislation to end budget uncertainty and let the services focus on the hard work of regaining readiness, while recapitalizing and modernizing what is desperately needed to keep our forces preeminent in the face of complex threats.
The defense numbers -- $700 billion in total funding -- reflect those in the recently passed Bipartisan Budget Act. This funding begins the long process of reversing the damage done by the defense sequester. It increases total defense funding to match FY18 NDAA levels and the administration’s request for FY19 of $716 billion in total defense discretionary funding.
Given the bipartisan nature of the budget agreement, NDIA also urges Congress to use this opportunity to return to normal order and pass the FY19 NDAA and Defense Appropriations bills on time. We need to end the streak of year-beginning continuing resolutions that have harmed our services and the defense industrial base that’s key to our nation’s capabilities. We need to stop needlessly wasting resources through inefficient spending.
NDIA commends the step forward the omnibus bill signals and stands ready to assist in any way.