NDIA statement on the resignation of Defense Secretary James Mattis
The National Defense Industrial Association issues this statement on the resignation of Defense Secretary James Mattis:
Secretary James Mattis deserves our highest regard and appreciation for his life of service, for his strategic influence and his steadfast leadership. First as a Marine, then as head of Joint Forces Command and Central Command, and most recently as Secretary of Defense, Mattis has given everything to this country for more than four decades. He has been a protector of our nation, a guiding light in American foreign policy, a bridge for our allies and a tireless advocate for our warfighters. He has solidly earned the respect of our armed forces, Capitol Hill and the American people.
As Secretary Mattis boldly enshrined in our National Defense Strategy, in this time of great power competition, the next secretary should continue to bolster our forces using the administration’s increased focus on regaining readiness, investing in modernization and innovation, keeping our defense industrial base secure and dynamic and ensuring much needed resources at hand. These will further enable the strategy’s call to strengthen our alliances to eliminate malign actors and retain our superiority over competitors.
The recently released defense industrial base study warns of fluctuations in spending and capacity. The future of our nation depends on a steady, focused commitment. As Secretary Mattis himself once said, war is a fundamentally unpredictable phenomenon, history shows preparation as the best deterrent to prevent war and the best guarantor of victory in the event of war.