The Honorary William C. Baugh Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Defense Excellence Award
Submission Criteria for The Honorary William C. Baugh Award
The Honorary William C. Baugh Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Defense Excellence Award recognizes the individual who, in the judgment of the panel, has made the greatest overall contribution to the CBRN Defense programs during their lifetime. The achievements for which this award will be considered may relate to any of the many components that make up this highly diverse, complex, vital commodity. Specifically, from Research and Development through the acquisition of capabilities needed by the warfighters and first responders, identification of the ever-growing threats, the innovations for training to the current and future fight and identifying readiness initiatives for business opportunities. The award will encompass achievements during the nominee’s career and will be presented to the winner at the annual NDIA CBRN Defense Conference. This competition is open to all individuals, regardless of grade or position, in the United States and or International CBRN Defense community. All military personnel, government civilians, and contractor employees are eligible. All executive and or service CBRN Defense supervisors of Headquarters, plants, depots, laboratories, and proving grounds, are asked to seriously consider the contributions of their best qualified subordinates for this prestigious award.